The_Spiral_Pentacle_by_SingingGandalfAwakening the Horse People invites ongoing submissions on the topic of decolonizing witchcraft, wicca, heathenry, and eclectic paganism.

We would like to particularly invite self-identified witches and those who identify as practicing pagan witchcraft to share your thoughts on the role decolonization plays in these practices.

Some questions for consideration are:

  • Are pagan witchcraft, wicca, heathenry, or eclectic neo-pagan beliefs consistent with movements of decolonization?
  • How are modern witchcraft practices related to authentic reconstruction of ancestral lifeways?
  • How are issues of cultural appropriation, spiritual materialism, and objectification of fantasy (fluffy) stereotypes reconciled within groups of practicing pagans?
  • How can the practices and gatherings of pagan witches, heathens, wicca, and other neo-pagan movements in colonized lands become safer and more respectful of Indigenous people and communities?

Please limit submissions to 1000 words or less. Send submissions to   Selected works will be published on Awakening the Horse People blog.  Many thanks.

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