Ancestral Recovery

What is Ancestral Recovery?

Ancestral recovery is the reawakening of relationships with your human relations that have come before you.  These relations may be your blood family, a clan, tribe, or nation of people. They may be from any line, or multiple lines of your family – matriarchal, or paternal. These ancestors may be of the recent past like a grandparent or great grandparent.  Or they may be reaching out to you from thousands of years ago.

Why engage in Ancestral Recovery?

Ancestral recovery can be a calling. Ancestral recovery can be a choice. Ancestral recovery can be a driving compulsion. Whatever brings us to this path, ancestral recovery allows for the return of ancestral knowledge and understanding through the reawakening of relationships.  It makes possible the restoration of ancient practices and ways of life.  It creates an open doorway so the stories, ceremonies, and histories of those who have come before us may enter. It can provide the cultural roots to begin healing our lost connection and knowledge of who we are. It can provide the wisdom, compassion and inspiration to seek reconciliation with those harmed by the loss of our identity as people of a place.

How does one begin Ancestral Recovery?

Every day turn towards your ancestors. Every day turn towards nature. Every day shine a light into the darkest cobwebbed corners of your imagination to see what is truly possible.  Make offerings. Pray. Learn to be spiritually active. Explore your family lineages. Read the histories of europe. Dream.

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