Open Letter to BC Witchcamp on Issues of Cultural Appropriation & Respect
October 2019 Update: It’s always interesting to check-in on past efforts. As I was updating this page for the new site, I visited the BC […]

Evasions #3: The Pretendians
Ridiculous? Outrageous? Infuriating? But too often happening in “spiritual” circles and new agey events. How do you feel about this comic?

Seeing the Indigenous Clearly
Healthy seeing of the Indigenous begins by learning and untangling our own stories of displacement, domestication, colonization, settlement, and forgetting. This historical and ongoing trauma […]

Post Colonialism?
Since the recent Anti-Colonial Anarchism or Decolonization poster went viral I’ve been privileged, as the poster’s maker, to take part in several conversations it has […]

Anti-Colonial Anarchism vs Decolonization
Many forms of resistance to colonialism and empire are necessary and important, and this poster should not be interpreted as dissuading those forms of solidarity […]

Evasions #2
Evasions #2 Thoughts and Questions The idea for this cartoon originated from multiple online posts where amer-european settlers voiced their acknowledgement of being settlers on […]

Call for Submissions: Decolonizing Paganism & Witchcraft
Awakening the Horse People invites ongoing submissions on the topic of decolonizing witchcraft, wicca, heathenry, and eclectic paganism. We would like to particularly invite self-identified […]

Ooops! I did it again!
OR, SLAYING THE MONSTER OF RECOLONIZATION One of the biggest challenges people of european heritage face as we engage in ancestral recovery, re-indigenization and decolonizing […]

Decolonization for the Euro-Centered Mind
Decolonization For People of the Euro-centered or “white” Mind Non-indigenous persons may wonder how they can be helpful in the healing of colonial genocidal violence. […]

Evasions #1
A new cartoon (pdf version) from Awakening the Horse People. What thoughts and feelings does it bring up in you?