Call for Contributors!
Call For Contributors! Awakening the Horse People is seeking to be a home for a diverse range of voices whose experiences can aid people of […]

Colonization & Life
Colonization is the process of invading and converting the sovereign life of a place, usually through force. What colonization cannot convert to its desires, it […]

Call for Submissions: Decolonizing Paganism & Witchcraft
Awakening the Horse People invites ongoing submissions on the topic of decolonizing witchcraft, wicca, heathenry, and eclectic paganism. We would like to particularly invite self-identified […]

Growing Togetherness Through Decolonization
Throw away culture is one of the hallmarks of modern western civilization. Disconnection, coupled with gross privilege, has created a society in which many people […]

Ooops! I did it again!
OR, SLAYING THE MONSTER OF RECOLONIZATION One of the biggest challenges people of european heritage face as we engage in ancestral recovery, re-indigenization and decolonizing […]

Decolonization for the Euro-Centered Mind
Decolonization For People of the Euro-centered or “white” Mind Non-indigenous persons may wonder how they can be helpful in the healing of colonial genocidal violence. […]

Evasions #1
A new cartoon (pdf version) from Awakening the Horse People. What thoughts and feelings does it bring up in you?

Movements of Decolonization
Let’s have a conversation about decolonization. What is decolonization? What isn’t decolonization? Is decolonization even possible? Only by having honest conversations about the movements we […]

Can We Recognize?
Recognition. Awareness. Attention. For so many people of European heritage, the process of ancestral recovery, re-indigenization, and decolonization begins with the deep recognition of some […]