In order to make the blog more accessible to folks, we have created a page on Facebook.  We use limited social media to outreach to more people. So, if you don’t want to link our facebook page, please share our new website address  As of October 2019, we’ve also got new pages going up for our podcast at, and videos at facebook.

Social media isn’t inherently evil.  But living on the “machine” isn’t good. So put down your screens and head off into nature.

Disconnect. Allow yourself to slow down. Open up your heart. And feel.  Have a good cry. Laugh out loud. Listen for a song. Follow animal tracks. Get dirty. Eat wild fruit. Sleep under the stars. Get lost. Find yourself. Tell time by the sun. Pray for the return of the land’s Indigenous Peoples. Smell the soil. Catch a fish. Sit in one place for a day. Get off the trail. Leave that cool rock where you found it.  Talk with the birds. Wash your face in a creek. Give your pain to the earth. Let it go. Remember. Reconnect. Reawaken. Ernatu!

And if you really have to go back to the machine, then at least you’ve done this.

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