Finding Our Way Home
Wishing our people the courage, determination, integrity, and belief to find our way home… wherever that might take us.
Wishing our people the courage, determination, integrity, and belief to find our way home… wherever that might take us.
This poster imagines the complex and changing positioning of settlers who may seek balance with Indigenous needs of solidarity and reparative action as well as […]
Awakening the Horse People invites ongoing submissions on the topic of decolonizing witchcraft, wicca, heathenry, and eclectic paganism. We would like to particularly invite self-identified […]
Recognition. Awareness. Attention. For so many people of European heritage, the process of ancestral recovery, re-indigenization, and decolonization begins with the deep recognition of some […]
Decolonization is the process of turning towards what is alive, so what is alive can turn towards you. Turning towards what is alive isĀ becoming […]