Ancestral Recovery: Where did THAT come from? [vlog]
Episode 1 of our new vlog is here!
ANCIENT SONG SERIES Song of the Woolly Mammoth We are also developing this story in video or slide format!
Along with a ton of site redesigns, preparations for video and audio content, and a more user friendly interface, we have a new section called […]
WHAT IS THIS? This image represents an annual cycle of deeply held, seasonal activities and movements (lifeway) for at least one band of Aquitainian (proto-Basque) […]
Wishing our people the courage, determination, integrity, and belief to find our way home… wherever that might take us.
This poster imagines the complex and changing positioning of settlers who may seek balance with Indigenous needs of solidarity and reparative action as well as […]
Healing Relationships 2 of 2. Though we may experience intense feelings of loneliness that are very real, We are never actually “alone”. Though it may […]
One of the most difficult movements of decolonization is breaking through the isolation of euro-centric (colonial) society. Turning towards what’s alive inside of us creates […]
One aspect of decolonization is returning integrity to our relationships with the Plant People (I’m including Fungi in this group). Especially with medicinal and entheogenic […]
Each people, species, tribe, band, or clan protects and nurtures unique gifts, roles, and spiritual power (magic) that are shared to create health and balance […]