Bonus! Unexpected FREESTYLE + Language Understanding [vlog]
On the trail an unexpected free style breaks out along with some understandings on recovering one’s Indigenous language. Enjoy Episode 2 of the new vlog!
On the trail an unexpected free style breaks out along with some understandings on recovering one’s Indigenous language. Enjoy Episode 2 of the new vlog!
Our language is like a pearl inside a shell. The shell is like the people that carry the language. If our language is taken away, […]
A new Practical Steps page has been added under the Ancestral Recovery heading. The Practical Steps poster has been turned into a whole page to […]
One aspect of decolonization is returning integrity to our relationships with the Plant People (I’m including Fungi in this group). Especially with medicinal and entheogenic […]
Each people, species, tribe, band, or clan protects and nurtures unique gifts, roles, and spiritual power (magic) that are shared to create health and balance […]
A special acknowledgement to River Jackson-Paton for influencing the content of this poster. Thank you! This poster and additional writing is also included as a […]
Decolonization is the process of turning towards what is alive, so what is alive can turn towards you. Turning towards what is alive is becoming […]