Perhaps you have wondered why this project is called Awakening the Horse People?
Across 45,000 years of culture on the continent known as Europe, no animal has held a more sacred place than the horse. According to archeological studies, the horse is the most prevalent animal in our ancient ancestor’s cave art, carvings, and imagery. The horse’s sacred meaning and power has lasted through the Paleolithic, Mesolithic, and Neolithic ages into modern times from the Iberian Peninsula to the steppes of eastern Europe.
Our Indigenous cousins in Basque Country still hold the story of Zalzaval or Horse-man from whom humans descended. In Celtic and Germanic culture, Epona the Horse is associated with the Sun and led the souls of the dead to the after-life.
The social structure and movements of our hunter-gather-fisher peoples reflected the social structure and movements of the wild horses that surrounded them. No other animal has such a long and revered place in the lives of traditional European peoples.
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